Itanagar: On Tuesday, a high-level central team travelled to Arunachal Pradesh to assess the development of the Film and Television Institute (FTI), which is being established in Jote, close to Itanagar. To evaluate the project’s progress, the delegation met with state representatives under the direction of K Satish Nambudiripad, Director General of the Northeast Zone of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry.
Manish Gupta, the chief secretary of Arunachal Pradesh, and the group discussed a number of project-related topics, such as the need for infrastructure, logistical assistance, and state government administrative collaboration. They also looked into how the institute might affect regional and local development. To speed up the project, Gupta promised the group the state government’s complete support.
After FTII-Pune and SRFTI-Kolkata, FTI-Jote would be the third such institution in India and is anticipated to become a premier hub for media and entertainment education. In order to support the local media business, the institute will provide specialised training programs for budding filmmakers and media professionals.
Papum Pare Deputy Commissioner Bomji Jinken and State Information and Public Relations Secretary Nyali Ete also attended the meeting. Later, Nambudiripad met with Anand Mohan, the director general of police for Arunachal Pradesh, accompanied by faculty member Bishnu Dev Halder and SRFTI-Kolkata director Samiran Dutta.
The Center’s dedication to provide top-notch education and enabling the young people of Northeast India to pursue careers in media and entertainment is shown in the founding of FTI-Jote.